Saturday, November 12, 2011

work x2

I woke up this morning with no recollection of anything that happened whatsoever during the night (the usual for me) and to see the moon shining bright enough to make moonshadows on the ground outside my window.
I love it when the moon does that.

I have work for the next two days, and in the usual way, my job will most likely drain the energy from my body and the essence from my soul.
I work at a hospital that seems to have a lot to learn about certain things, like patient satisfaction, what is a nurse's job as opposed to what is the responsibility of the doctors and other members of the care team, and staffing ratios.
So, it often sucks these things from my being without even having to try too hard. It just does it.

And to top it off, my thoughts have been filled with a sense of unease that maybe they'll call to try and downsize me today, a unique torture device that my hospital has come up with to enable some of its staff to be able to stay home while getting paid, provided that you have enough hours to cover the shift. Otherwise, you stay home and don't get paid.
I find it extremely hard to refuse a downsize from them...even if I don't have the hours. And I'm not the type of person who can afford to just stay home from work and not get paid. I need my paycheck.
Now, more than ever, because things are supposed to be moving forward for myself and T, but they haven't. Not yet at least. Because shit keeps happening, like his car needing work, the cat getting an abscessed tooth, or (just this morning) his glasses breaking.
So, I need to go to work and get paid.
But, I hate going to work.
So, work+hate=wanting a downsize, but not being able to take one. And that sucks!

Hopefully, they just won't call. That way, I won't have to feel those few moments of unique devastation over having to turn down the chance for an unexpected day off.

Yay, could be worse. I could be one of these...
Oh, dear! You can't find work, you say? Sweetcheeks, you either had a terrible guidance counselor, or just blatantly ignored him/her, because here's the kicker...even if this economy was spectacular, you'd still be out of work.
Didn't anyone explain the idea of picking a major that actually has a field in the real world to these idiots??

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